Philips ECG Machines

Beck Lee
PHILIPS PAGEWRITER TC30 (860603), TC50 (860310), TC70 (860315) EKG MACHINES - We endorse leading healthcare innovators including Philips Healthcare: Philips

Philips has been a trusted name in electronics for decades. The company's ECG/ EKG machine division has a reputation that rivals is consumer electronics.

Each of these machines help streamline workflow and improve productivity for your doctors and technicians. They provide a needed balance between quality care and price reduction. They have numerous features and diagnostic capabilities to help your cardiac patients.
Philips Pagewriter TC30 ECG Machine (860306/A02)
Regular price:$7,450.00
Sale Price:$6,519.00
Philips Pagewriter TC50 ECG Machine (860310)
Regular price:$13,750.00
Sale Price:$11,199.00
Philips Pagewriter TC70 ECG Machine (860315)
Regular price:$16,735.00
Sale Price:$14,198.00
Philips TC70 Fully Assembled ECG Trolley Cart (860318/B02)
Regular price:$1,495.00
Sale Price:$1,127.00
Philips ECG Trim Series Mobile Cart (P‑CART)
Regular price:$1,025.00
Sale Price:$935.00